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Immature "livestock manure" is not organic fertilizer!

Update time : 2022-03-04 Publisher:Tongda

During the composting process of livestock manure, through the action of microorganisms, the organic matter that is difficult to be used by crops is turned into nutrients that are easily absorbed by crops, so it can be called organic fertilizer. The high temperature of about 70°C generated in the process of composting can kill most germs and eggs, and basically achieve harmlessness.


1. The possible harm caused by the application of immature organic fertilizers to fruits and vegetables. We can often see in rural areas that many vegetable farmers and fruit farmers directly apply immature organic fertilizers to the ground. What kind of harm will this cause?

(1) Burning roots and seedlings. When the unfermented livestock and poultry manure is applied to the fruit and vegetable garden, due to the incomplete fermentation, it cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by the root system of the plant, and the phenomenon of "secondary fermentation" will occur. Fermentation, when the fermentation part is close to the root or the crop plant is small, the heat generated by the fermentation will affect the growth of the crop, causing "burning the root and burning the seedling", and in severe cases, it will lead to the death of the plant.

(2) Breeding pests. The feces contain bacteria and pests such as coliform bacteria and nematodes. Direct use will lead to the spread of diseases and insect pests, make crops sick, and will also affect the health of people who eat agricultural products. When unripe organic matter is fermented in the soil, it is easy to breed bacteria. and insect pests, leading to the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests. For example, the citrus fruit fly has a certain relationship with the application of manure, and also provides a place for overwintering pests, such as grubs and pear flower net bugs.

(3) Toxic gas and hypoxia are produced. In the process of decomposing unripe manure. harmful gases such as methane and ammonia will be produced, which will cause acid damage to the soil and damage to the root system of plants. At the same time, in the process of decomposition, the oxygen in the soil will be consumed, and the soil will be in an anoxic state. In this anoxic state, the growth of plants will be inhibited to a certain extent.

2. The harm caused by the application of immature chicken manure to fruits and vegetables. Chicken manure is the most complete and best manure among livestock manures. However, if it is applied to gardens such as fruits and vegetables when it is not fully decomposed, it will also cause harm, and it may cause more harm than other manures.

(1) Organic acid and ammonia gas poisoning. The direct application of chicken manure to the ground will produce organic acid, which will affect the germination of seeds, and in severe cases, will cause rotten seeds and buds, and will also cause poor growth of seedlings, dwarf plants, and excessive application of immature rot at the adult stage. Chicken manure can make the leaves of the plant turn yellow from top to bottom, as if lacking certain elements.

(2) The harm of species flies. The adult flies of the seed fly have the habit of tending to immature manure. Therefore, the more immature chicken manure is applied, the more serious the damage of the seed fly larvae. The larvae damage the germinated seeds and young stems, so that the seeds cannot germinate and unearth; they can also burrow into the roots or stems, causing malnutrition on the ground; the wounds caused by the threat are easy to cause the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and cause invasiveness The occurrence of diseases will cause greater losses.

(3) Saline soil. If chicken manure is used year after year, a large amount of sodium chloride salt will remain in the soil. The average salt content per 6 cubic meters of chicken manure is about 40 kg, and the salt content of 10 kg per mu has seriously restricted soil permeability and activity, which can solidify phosphorus. , potassium fertilizer, calcium magnesium zinc iron boron manganese and other trace elements, abnormal plant growth, sparse flower buds, lack of fruit and other yield reduction phenomena, significantly restricting the improvement of crop yield and quality.

(4) Breeding virus diseases. Since chicken manure is a very acidic substance, it will cause chemical trauma and serious damage to the plant stem base and root tissue. A large number of virus bacteria carried by chicken manure will break out when the humidity and temperature are suitable, resulting in the spread of diseases and insect pests. , breeding virus disease, root rot, blight and other diseases, causing plant wilting, yellow blight, dead seedlings, and even death. Some plants are infected with viral diseases, blight, stem rot, root rot, bacterial wilt, etc., which are the most obvious sequelae of using chicken manure.

(5) Heavy metals exceeding the standard. The raw chicken manure that has not been decomposed and fermented contains a lot of heavy metals such as copper, mercury, chromium, cadmium, lead, arsenic, and more hormone residues, which will cause the heavy metals in agricultural products to exceed the standard, and these heavy metals are difficult to degrade and destroy The replacement has laid hidden dangers for the safety of food and the sustainable development of the agricultural industry.

Fermented chicken manure and livestock manure can not only be used for fruits and vegetables, but also a rare good fertilizer with very rich nutrients and long-lasting fertilizer effect. is very helpful.

Pre:Compost fermentation process
Next:Is chicken manure really that good for organic fertilizer?

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